Tools to help refugees, immigrants, and the people who help them.
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Are you new to the United States and looking for employment?
American Job Centers offer free job search help to everyone. You can meet with an employment counselor, take classes, use a computer, and get help to find childcare and transportation.
- If you have authorization to work in the U.S., they can help you find a job.
- If you are waiting for work authorization, they can help you prepare for employment.
- Find your closest American Job Center. You can visit their website or call them to ask about services.
Open each tab below to explore information on this website about careers, training, job search, and more.
Do you work with refugees or immigrants?
We know New Americans have a wide range of both work experience and legal work status. Whether the person(s) you’re helping have work authorization or not, you’ll find resources below to help them explore careers and training options, prepare to search for jobs, and find local resources.
Under "What if I don't have work authorization?" you'll find a list of services available in the public workforce system for people without current work authorization papers.