What does this information tell me?
Projected employment shows how much employment is expected to grow in this occupation over a 10-year period. This can help you decide if this career is a good choice for future job opportunities. You can look at projected employment in your state, or in other states where you might consider living.
You can see the total number of people employed in this occupation in 2020 (for states) or 2022 (for national), the number expected to be employed in 2030 (for states) or 2032 (for national), and the rate of growth over those years.
The projections are based on assumptions of unemployment rates and labor productivity growth rates. While the projected numbers may not be exact, they are helpful to compare one career to another, or one location to another.
What is the source of this information?
State-level data come from Projections Central and State Labor Market Information offices, 2020-30.
National-level data come from the Bureau of Labor Statistics Employment Projections, 2022-32.